Monday 30 April 2012

30th April and Heron is under attack..again!

In Dunbar there are main chains running the length of the harbour with shorter cross chains. The Harbour Trust are supposed to maintain these chains and the individual boat owners are responsible for their risers, fore and aft. Little boats with shallow draft, bilge or lifting keels are closest to the wall. Larger fin keels with 2m draft are on the chain in the middle of the harbour. Fin and long keels are unusual on drying moorings as they fall over at low tide. If they fall away from the other boats things are fine. 

Six years ago the Magie de mer sat on the Heron and the mast support beam had to be replaced. On my way home from work this evening I stopped to see a worrying sight.

The Magie de mer (big blue boat middle distance) is awfully close to Heron (the wee red one). Fortunately there is plenty of water at low tide, at least until Friday.

I've added extra weight to my front chain this season in the hope that Heron will sit far enough forward when the Magie falls the wrong way.  All I can do is keep my fingers crossed.

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